Counselling & Psychotherapy

Frequently asked questions

‘Back on Track’ engages with clients who come from a broad and diverse range of cultures, ages, abilities (including neuro-diverse/neuro-typical), interests, needs and issues.  

Children’s Counselling Service:         4 – 15yrs                 

Issues inc:                Family           (conflict, separation, abuse, illness, death or loss of significant other)

                                    School          (engagement, bullying, relationships)

                                    Social            (bullying, identity, belonging, sexualised behaviours, emotional intelligence/regulation)

The above issues can impact a child in the following ways: anxiety, depression, withdrawal, inability to focus (poor academic outcomes), inability to regulate emotions, alienation, poor self-esteem and self-worth.


Youth Counselling Service:               16 – 25yrs               

Issues inc:                       Family                 (conflict, separation, abuse, illness, death or loss of significant other)

                                          Education          (engagement, stress management, bullying, sexual health, addiction)

                                          Socially               (sexuality, high risk or anti-social behaviours, substance abuse/misuse, addiction)

                                          Employment     (bullying, stress management, critical incidents)


Adult Counselling Service:            26yrs +                         

Issues inc:                 Family                      (parenting, illness, death or loss of significant other)

                                    Employment         (bullying, harassment, stress management, critical incidents)

In 35 years practice experience I have specialised in work with children and young people who have been impacted by abuse, loss or other trauma. Symptoms and behaviours range from poor quality sleep (inc nightmares), oppositional, hyper-sensitive, anxious, confused, loneliness, an inability to make and keep friendships, depressed, frightened; sometimes there may also be pervasive thoughts of suicidality.

I work with children and young people whose engagement, potential and enjoyment in education, employment, social and recreational contexts has been compromised through challenging acute (short) or chronic (long term) experiences – affecting their mental health and overall wellbeing. Through an integrative therapeutic model we have many positive, wonderful, inspiring and occasionally surprising outcomes; with felt and observable progress, often from our very first session. 

I warmly invite you to contact ‘Back on Track’ to see how we can best be of service to you.

Our primary clinic location is Suite 10, 91 Poinciana Ave, Tewantin. We pride ourselves on confidentiality & accessibility; aware that other commitments or challenges may impact accessing a service outside your local area or typical office hours.. Further, should there be mobility, illness or transport issues we have extensive experience with phone & online counselling (via ‘Zoom’, ‘Skype’ or ‘Face-time’). 

After hours and weekend appointment times are available at no extra charge. ‘Back on Track’ is aware that the most convenient time for connecting with a therapist may not be between normal workplace business hours. Please contact us to discuss suitable available times.

Therapist, Deborah Campbell, is a registered Level 4 Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Clinical Supervisor with the Australian Counselling Association (ACA).

Formal Qualifications 

  • 2016 Deborah Campbell was awarded the Masters of Counselling at the University of the Sunshine Coast. 
  • Due to high academic achievement Deborah was accepted into the ‘Golden Key International Honour Society’.
  • 1991 Deborah was awarded the Bachelor of Social Sciences, Social Welfare from Newcastle University.


35 years experience, professional development and a committment to being able to offer clients the best therapeutic practice to most effectively meet their individual and unique needs has resulted in engagement in numerous, specific therapeutic training, workshops and conferences. 

The last 10 years have been focused on interventions including EMDR, Mindfulness, ACT and Expressive Therapies (symbol, sand-tray, sand-play, art, music, play, movement) to better assist clients impacted by trauma (PTSD, CPTSD), addictions (substance, gambling, internet and gaming), grief (bereavement, complicated grief) and abuse (D&FV, sexual abuse, emotional, physical and neglect).

Practice Framework:

My practice framework has been influenced by  government inquiries, legislative reforms, formal and informal learning opportunities, feedback from agencies and staff. Feedback from the children, young people, carers and families I have partnered with and worked alongside towards positive change.  My practice framework is therefore fluid as I strive to meet the changing needs of my clients and the issues that impact them. The fundamentals of being ‘client focused’ in my practice remains key and has influenced all aspects of my approaches. Here is a little more information about me.

Below is a partial list of completed training accessed from 1990 – 2025

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) – Russ Harris (32hrs)

Alcohol – Establishing a Controlled drinking program.

Alternatives to Violence

Brief Solution Focused Therapy (Brian Cade)

Adolescent Cannabis Use – Prevalence, harms and Interventions

Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)

Asist – suicide first aid

Child Sexual Assault Training for Drug and Alcohol Workers

Complicated Grief

Core Belief Balancing –  for Professionals

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (John Merrick)

Cultural Competency – Indigenous / Australian 1st Nations People (accredited)

Dissociation and Self-States (Carmen Nictotra)

Domestic & Family Violence (accredited)

Eating Disorders

Ethics and ethical decision-making

Expressive Therapies

EMDR seven day intensive clinical training 34hrs.

Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing – EMDR Comprehensive (Advanced)

First Aid (accredited)

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Indigenous Risk Impact Screen and Brief Intervention (Insight – Education Alcohol & Other Drug Training Unit)

Internet and Gaming Addiction

Managing in Management


Narrative Therapy and Working with Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Neuroscience of Counselling – strategies to enhance outcomes (Prof. Pieter Rossouw)

Queer without Fear (Queensland AIDS Council)

Revenge Pornography – Prevalence, Impacts and Available Responses to Image-based Abuse in Australia (Dr A Flynn Dr N Henry)

Saving Our Kids – Preventing Youth Suicide

Safe and Together  (David Mandel)  – tools and interventions designed to educate child welfare professionals become domestic violence-informed).

Sandplay in Relationship Therapy and Couple Counselling (Helen Evans & Doug McDonald)

Schema – Child & Adolescent Schema Therapy (Ida Shaw)

Sexualised Behaviours

Sexual Health & Sexuality

Sexual Violence (adults/children)

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (Robert B McNeilly)

Somatic psychology – “When Words are not enough” (Pat Ogden)

Words Matter: the Language of Child Mental Health – Getting it Right 

Working with Sexual Assault Survivors

Group Work Trained Facilitator

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing


Stress Management

Treehouse Mindful Parenting

Volunteer Phone Counselling – Newcastle Youth Service

  1. ‘Back on Track’ will generally respond within 24 hours of receipt of your query. Note: ‘Back on Track’ is not a crisis service. If in crisis, please contact Lifeline for 24hr crisis support on 131114
  2. An initial 20 minute conversation allows for the brief sharing of information including the confidentiality policy of ‘Back on Track’, minimal personal details about yourself and an invitation to discuss what you hope to achieve from therapy for yourself, someone you care about or a client you are referring.
  3. If you believe that ‘Back on Track’ is the service that can best meet your therapeutic needs – we will discuss session options, interests, concerns and any additional information that will benefit therapeutic sessions and outcomes.
  4. If ‘Back on Track’ is unable to assist; we will provide information on a more appropriate service or therapist and if requested we will support you with a ‘warm referral’ to that service.

Private health rebates are available from selected health insurers; please check with your provider.

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